Forty-Five Lessons From a Christian Journey - written by Josh Littlejohn
I turned 45 last week. I haven’t posted on social media in a while - but I felt impressed to share 45 thoughts about some different things in life that I’ve learned/am learning along the way. Thanks to all those who wished me a happy birthday - it was a blessed day for a blessed man. Without further ado - and in no particular order - here they are:
Proverbs 18:22 – He who finds a wife, finds a good thing. And obtains favor from the Lord.
I had a good friend that described my analysis of the stewarding of my “Kingdom Perspective conundrum” as “having one foot in the now and having another foot in the next”. I like that. And It caused me to think about the real issue that was on my heart when I wrote the last blog. Because the fact remains, there really is a problem that arises when I get my dreaming about the next out of balance with my appreciation for the now. And that problem is – people get hurt. Specifically the ones that I’m more connected to.