Darin Eubanks Darin Eubanks

EXPERIENCING THE WORD: From Information to Activation

I want to help you KNOW the truth that sets you free. Now, what is truth? That seems to be an up for debate kind of topic these days. Everyone is talking about “your truth” and “my truth”. Apparently, the world believes that personal experience is what defines truth. Call me crazy, but I’m one of those Christians that likes to know how Jesus defines something.

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Josh Littlejohn Josh Littlejohn

Forty-Five Lessons From a Christian Journey - written by Josh Littlejohn

I turned 45 last week. I haven’t posted on social media in a while - but I felt impressed to share 45 thoughts about some different things in life that I’ve learned/am learning along the way. Thanks to all those who wished me a happy birthday - it was a blessed day for a blessed man. Without further ado - and in no particular order - here they are:

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Darin Eubanks Darin Eubanks

Following God’s Instructions is Not Legalistic; It is Discipline

I’m encountering more and more people that have, what I believe to be, a twisted mindset about the bible. Upon further investigation, I’ve come to realize that many of them have the same faulty perspective when it comes to tithing and simply going to church in general.

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Christian Darin Eubanks Christian Darin Eubanks


As I write this blog, we are in the third month of a quarantine brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. I remember when this thing started. Initially, there was some worry. Then, there was the realization of God’s invitation to rest and reset. I accepted. And I was excited about a couple of opportunities that were obviously being presented.

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