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As I write this blog, we are in the third month of a quarantine brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. I remember when this thing started. Initially, there was some worry. Then, there was the realization of God’s invitation to rest and reset. I accepted. And I was excited about a couple of opportunities that were obviously being presented.

The first one, which was truly an answer to prayer, was the chance for me to be at home and spend more time with my family. The second, was more of a personal issue. I was really looking forward to having an empty calendar so that I could invest more time into being creative. Between the blog, my podcast, various social media platforms and the other ideas I have floating around my head on a regular basis, I was planning on using this time to really pump out some good content. I was going to be a content creating machine…or so I thought.

I had every intention of being more creative than I’d ever been before. With more time to do so, I assumed that I would be able to focus more on writing, recording and producing – three things that I consider my favorite avenues of creating for sure. But, it didn’t happen. For whatever reason, it just didn’t take place. I don’t have any regrets for how I’ve spent my time, but I have been thinking a lot about why my plans didn’t turn out the way I had expected. I even began to question myself – my priorities, my abilities, my “want to”. I found my mind being bombarded with thoughts and excuses and ultimately lies that I was able to identify as the culprits of my creative immobility.

As frustrating as the lack of output has been, I do believe I have learned some things about myself. The Lord has helped me recognize a few vulnerable areas in my thought life and I’d like to share them with you. So, hopefully, my barren creative process has produced some information that will help you step into your fruitful creative season. Here’s a list of 5 lies that stunt your creativity.

  1. I DON’T HAVE TIME – For years, this was my number one excuse. This was the phrase that came to my mind and out of my mouth every time I questioned my inability to create. I really believed that this was the key to my problem. But, it wasn’t until this time of quarantine that I realized, this seemingly sensible excuse was no more than a lie. While it is true that I needed to remove some things from my very crowded schedule, I did find out that free time doesn’t always mean that creative juices will flow. The most valuable thing you have is your time. You will give it to what is important to you. The very fact that more time was my reality and I still didn’t move into a productive creative space, proves that lack of time isn’t the issue. Don’t let that be the lie that keeps you from creating. If it’s important, you can and WILL make time for it. 

  2. NO ONE CARES WHAT I HAVE TO SAY – Hold on just one second. Is this still something you tell yourself? Have you not heard that you were created in the image of THE creator of the universe? That you are his beloved? That you have the mind of Christ? That as a believer you have His Spirit in you and have access to Heaven’s treasure box of content and ideas and imagination? It’s true. Not only does God care about what you say, He also cares about what you WANT to say. And He will help you creatively get out the ideas He inserts in you. Through music, art, film, podcasting, writing – whatever it is that He’s gifted you to do. And if it’s His ideas and content that you are creating, there are people that want and NEED to experience it. I promise.

  3. IT’S GOT TO BE PERFECT – Another one of my biggest hold ups when it comes to freely creating is the lie of perfectionism. It’s amazing how the lie of “everything I do has to be perfect” is so prevalent. I believe it comes from one place of the heart – a desire to find approval with people. I struggled with this for a very long time. Not wanting people to see the blemishes and the snags. Everything from Heaven is perfect, but when it passes through our human hands, becomes tarnished in one way or another. It loses its perfection. However, it’s always been God’s design to partner with us. And with Holy Spirit’s guidance, our blemished, tarnished product can become anointed imperfection. We need to learn to be vulnerable and honest and okay with who we are and what we create. While I am growing into the nature of Christ, I am not finished. I’m on a creative journey and I want to partner with God’s perfect nature. He’s okay with my snags and my mix ups and my weaknesses and I should be too. What I create will not be perfect, but it can be excellent. Where I am weak, He is made strong.

  4. THERE’S NO ONE TO SUPPORT ME – Many people feel they need a support system in place in order to kick-start their creative endeavors. I understand the fear that comes from this mindset. I’ve been there before. We all desire a community that will encourage us and spur us on to be confident in our pursuit for creative outlets. It’s worth desiring and asking God for that type of community, but it is not necessary to have it before you can be creative. There will be seasons when this is your reality and then there will be times when you find yourself in the wilderness with no one there but God to cheer you on. Don’t allow this lie to set root. Other people cannot be your main source of encouragement. Having or not having their support should not be your main source of permission. God gave you permission to be creative when He created you in His image. So, seek out inspiration from Him and go create.

  5. I’M NOT CREATIVE – This might be the most problematic lie of them all. The one that keeps people from even thinking about pursuing any type of creativity. This is a lie that aims to strike us at our core. It’s an attack on our identity as children in the Kingdom of God. If we fall for this, we are opening our selves up to many lies that will follow. As stated above, we are created in His image – to be people of faith. It’s who we are. We share His creative nature. The same DNA of our father, who spoke the world into existence. He created man from dust and woman from a rib. Through the gift of faith, He gives us the ability to hope for something and make it a substance. To peer into the unseen and bring forth evidence. He trusts you to represent His nature through your creativity. So, look into your heart and find what it is that makes you tick. What brings you joy? Maybe it’s wood working. Maybe it’s cooking. Maybe it’s a peaceful atmosphere at home for your husband and children. Whatever it is, grant Holy Spirit access into your heart and into your imagination. If you can think it or dream it, He can inspire you to create it. 


