Encouraging the Body of Christ to be everything it was created to be.

Do you know the amount of power that is living inside of you? Do you believe that God thinks of you as special enough to carry the difference making, status quo breaking, ground shaking, claim staking authority that only children of the King have access to?

In Luke 17:21, Jesus states that the Kingdom of God is not something you can look at and say “there it is”. He said that the Kingdom is actually inside of you. In 1 Corinthians 4:20, the Apostle Paul says the Kingdom is not a matter of talk but of power. 

As we grow into our identities as carriers of a powerful kingdom, we learn that no thing and no person is too far gone for God’s restoration inducing love. As we go about our days, whether at work or school, on a date or on vacation, we have the privilege of being ambassadors of God’s Kingdom law and Kingdom rule. When His law and rule is upheld and lived out, things change. Sick people are healed. Lost people are found. Depression and anxiety turn to joy and peace.    

Jesus’ life was not a fairy tale. The Bible is not just a history book. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance and support, we too, can walk with power, authority and dominion. We’re not just here to survive and go to Heaven some day. We’re called to be what Jesus was to a lost and dying world. Because He came and established the Kingdom here on earth and imparted the Kingdom power inside of us, His sons and daughters, we have the privilege of being more than just survivors. We are called to be more than conquerors and to release the Kingdom everywhere we go.








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